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You may be a little perplexed about Coaching and what it offers, so here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) that may help you.

How is Coaching different from Therapy?

While therapy often goes back to the “root” of a problem, Coaching only moves forward concentrating not on where the problem began, but focusing on the resulting negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Once those emotions and beliefs are dealt with, then the individual’s strengths are considered in order to pursue the best method of solving a problem or pursuing a goal.

How is Coaching different from Consulting?

While Consultants give different solutions to different problems or questions, a Coach will help a client discover solutions based on the client’s strengths and values. Therefore, although the problem or goal may be similar for two clients, the solutions may be vastly different.

What is Positive Psychology?

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that seeks to help individuals find greater happiness through greater satisfaction and fulfillment in areas of life deemed to be important to that individual. It goes on to identify several areas of life that can affect an individual’s happiness and further promotes the use of an individual’s strengths in order to enhance his satisfaction or fulfillment in these areas.

What is Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)?

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is the use of the language of the mind to consistently achieve specific and desired outcomes.

Neuro: The nervous system (the mind) through which our experience is processed via our five senses;
Linguistic: Language and other nonverbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning;
The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

NLP is the study of excellence so that we discover excellence wherever it is and then utilize it in such a way as to create change in ourselves and others.

What is Time Line Therapy™ (TLT)?

A person is a product of his conscious and unconscious experiences, decisions and memories. Almost everyone stores these memories in a linear fashion. Time Line Therapy™ is an imaginative process geared to accessing the unconscious mind where all memories are stored and dealing with the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are part of us all and that block us from our desired goals and achievements. It is an extremely gentle process that doesn’t involve the repetition of events and stories. It is an effective and quick process that deals with the results of the events and stories that hold us back and affect our perspective of self.

Can Coaching be done over the phone?

Absolutely! Much coaching is done over the phone. However, methods such as Skype are preferred as the Client can be better monitored when seen. Of course, in-person sessions are also available.

How long are Coaching sessions?

Coaching sessions usually run in multiples of one-hour blocks. Some sessions may necessarily be two or three hours long, but the client will always know in advance when such a session will occur. Most of the time however, sessions run for an hour.

Are Coaching sessions carried on weekly?

Coaching sessions can be held weekly, biweekly, monthly or once in a while. It is totally up to the client how often the sessions occur.

In a Breakthrough however, it is important that the sessions happen more frequently so in this case weekly or biweekly sessions are advisable.

Once I start Coaching will I be able to leave it and still meet my goals on my own?

Of course! The ultimate goal of Coaching is to equip the client with enough tools, confidence and self-esteem so that he can continue on his own.

If you have further questions, please feel free to email Anita.

To schedule your initial coaching session with Anita, click here!

Link to Anita's new book, Ready, Aim, Soar!